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Heating, ventilation and hot water in one place with the Flexit WH4 combined system!

Heating, ventilation and hot water in one place with the Flexit WH4 combined system!

With the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing their environmental impact, a number of innovations have been made in recent decades to achieve these goals. One method that has become more popular in recent years is the construction of passive houses. One of their main advantages is their high degree of thermal insulation, which means that the heating system is only needed as a support element (and as a result also reduces environmental pollution).

One of the solutions for this support is to use a centralised ventilation-heating unit - Flexit WH4 - which can provide both air exchange and heating support, as well as hot water preparation:

  • The key element of the Flexit WH4 system remains heat recovery. The system includes a comprehensive centralised recuperator with a peak air exchange of 370 m3/h. As with any heat recovery system, this helps to keep the indoor air constantly fresh with as little heat loss as possible. Flexit air handling units and heat recovery units are designed for the Scandinavian climate and can operate at low temperatures down to -25°C.
  • Heating is provided by a small, integrated heat pump with a capacity of 4 kW, which extracts heat from the exchanged air (for this reason, no outdoor unit is required). Given its capacity and the efficiency of the heat recovery system, Flexit WH4 will be most suitable for heating small or medium-sized passive buildings with warm floor systems. As with air exchange, the heat pump can provide heat down to -25°C.
  • Unlike other units that combine heat recovery with the heating system, the Flexit WH4 unit also features an integrated 200L hot water tank, where the hot water is heated by the heat pump or an integrated 3 kW electric tank, depending on the heating needs and the outside temperature. It can heat hot water up to +75°C, eradicating legionella bacteria, and maintain its temperature up to +65°C - suitable for domestic and hygienic use.

Combining all these elements in one unit saves space in the technical room and reduces the cost of installation materials and labour, partially or in some cases even completely offsetting the cost difference between a centralised unit and a separate heat pump, recuperator and hot water preparation unit.

Click on the following link to view Flexit WH4.

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