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IV. What to consider when choosing a ventilation system

IV. What to consider when choosing a ventilation system

To conclude our series of articles on air exchangers, let's take a look at which air exchangers would be most suitable for various different conditions.

Based on the previous articles, it can be concluded that both types of equipment are capable of efficient air exchange and that both types of equipment have their own fields of application where they will be particularly effective. At the same time, the choice must also take into account their advantages and disadvantages, the needs to be met, and which of the equipment is best able to meet them, regardless of cost. 

Below you can find a brief description of the operating environments in which decentralised or centralised recuperators would be able to operate more efficiently:

  • Decentralised or wall-mounted recuperators will be most suitable for meeting the air exchange needs of existing buildings due to their simple installation and design. They will also be particularly suitable for providing air exchange in apartments where a centralised ventilation system is close to impossible (depending on the floor on which the apartment is located, the only difficulty is in attaching the outdoor grille). Wall-mounted recuperators are also an effective solution for households with a limited budget, as they cost less to buy and can be installed by the household;
  • Although more complex, time-consuming and expensive to install, centralised recuperators would be the preferred air exchange solution for new buildings or buildings under renovation where the required heating can be extracted, especially if the aim is to build a highly energy-efficient or passive house. Centralised air exchangers can be tailored to specific air exchange rates and can effectively provide triple or even quadruple air exchange. They can also be used for bathroom ventilation (in the case of a decentralised system, a recuperator should not be used, a separate fan should be considered) and for connecting a kitchen cooker hood.

To prepare a complete ventilation system for the house, of course, more information is needed on the amount of air exchange, possible installation locations and, for centralised ventilation systems, a ventilation system design with which to plan the ductwork. But this series of articles gives you a basic idea of what ventilation systems exist and where they can be used most effectively.

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