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Solar collector kits Solarify Smart - what differentiates them?

Solar collector kits Solarify Smart - what differentiates them?

There are several solar collector kits available in our online store, including three Solarify Smart kits. Although their title shorthly tells you the main difference between these products - a boiler with different heat exchangers - you may wonder where the price difference comes from and which of these kits would be the most suitable for your heating system. Below you will find a brief description of each set, which explains the difference in more detail:

  • SOLARIFY SMART with 1 heat exchanger, as the name suggests, consists of a solar collector system combined with a boiler that has one heat exchanger - to which the solar collector is connected. Accordingly, it is not possible to connect an additional heating source to it for support purposes, apart from electric heating elements. This kit will be particularly useful for buildings without a permanent or central heating system: cottages or rural houses with air heating, its main advantage being the rapid payback period from the reduction in electricity consumption (especially if electric heating of a tank of similar capacity has been carried out before);
  • SOLARIFY SMART with 2 heat exchangers includes a second heat exchanger in addition to the solar collector heat exchanger, designed to connect an additional high temperature heating source - wood, pellet or gas boiler. This makes it suitable for existing heating systems as well as for new ones, saving both on electricity costs and heating costs: during the summer and shoulder seasons, hot water is produced by the solar collectors without the need to run the boiler, and during the winter, if necessary, the boiler is connected;
  • SOLARIFY SMART HP is also designed to combine a solar collector system with an existing or new heating system. The main difference between this and the conventional Solarify Smart kit is a different boiler, with high area heat exchangers. This allows the use of a heat pump for hot water preparation, which, due to the relatively low temperature of the heating medium, requires this larger area for heat rejection.

The other elements of the system - solar collectors themselves, pump group, controller, heat transfer medium, etc. - are the same.

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