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Straw panels for ecological and energy-efficient houses

Categories: Natural building materials

Straw panels - the building material of choice for ecological and energy-efficient buildings. These panels are double-framed products and form the load-bearing structure of the building.

  • Straw panels are manufactured using straw with a moisture content of up to 15%.
  • The compression of the straw in the panel is 10-120 kg/m3 and the structure is formed, which gives the straw panel a high thermal resistance (R=9.2 m2K/W, U=0.122 W/m2K).
  • High assembly speed. A four-man team can construct approximately 100 sq. m of wall area in 1-2 days, depending on qualifications.
  • Joining the panels is easy, no special tools are required.
  • The weight of the panels is low (typically between 20 and 200 kg). The panels can be lifted by hand or using small lifting devices.
  • Meets all requirements for stability, compression, fire resistance and durability.
  • It is possible to build single-storey or small multi-storey houses with straw panels.

The panels are manufactured and assembled after the design of the panels for the site/home. The price is per square metre of wall.

Dimensions (LxWxH): 300x40x120 cm

Available for order
139.15 €
110.00 €
Price with VAT
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Salmu paneļi ekoloģisko un energoefektīvo māju būvei


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