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Residential ventilation unit Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay X Mini VL-50SR2 , VL-50S2

Categories: Residential ventilation units Mitsublishi Electric LOSSNAY

This unit is best suited for use in residential homes, offices, educational establishments, etc., where the air becomes stale quickly and the rooms need to be ventilated frequently. In private houses with standard occupancy, it is preferable to install the unit in the warmest part of the house in order to heat the cold incoming outdoor air as efficiently as possible. Thanks to the paper heat exchanger, the room humidity is transferred to the incoming fresh air.

The Lossnay VL-50S2-E mini ventilation unit has two operating modes 51m3/h and 15m3/h.

Lossnay VL-50S2-E - with cord switch.

Lossnay VL-50SR2-E - with wireless remote control.


  • Recovery efficiency up to 85%
  • Noise level from 14dB
  • One hole in the wall - 120mm
  • Horizontal and vertical installation possible
  • Approximate area 20/30m2 for 2 people
  • Warranty: 3 years
  • Manufacturer: Japan


  • Pipes for up to 650mm thick wall;
  • Outside air intake and exhaust cap;
  • Electrical cable with plug, 3m;

P-100P-E  d-75 extension pipe, 250mm  – 24.56€

P-100PJ-E pipe connector  – 24.56€

Mitsubishi Lossnay VL-50 description (RU, PDF)

Mitsubishi Lossnay VL-50 user manual (ENG, PDF)

Mitsubishi Lossnay VL-50 installation manual (ENG, PDF)



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410.00 €
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Gaisa rekuperators Mitsubishi Electric - Lossnay X Mini
Nepietiekoša ventilācija mūsdienās ir problēma. Hermētiskās, nekvalitatīvi uzceltās ēkās ir slikts gaiss un tās ir bieži jāvēdina. Taču šādā veidā telpā ieplūstošais gaiss ir ne tikai svaigs , bet arī auksts, kas apkures sezonā rada lielākus izdevumus apkurei. Mitsubishi Electric ventilācijas iekārta ir risinājums svaiga gaisa iegūšanai, neatverot logu.
Lossnay VL-50S2-E ventilācijas iekārta lieliski iederas visu veidu ēkās un telpās –
dzīvokļos, mājās, pagrabos, garāžās. Tā ir īpaši piemērota ēkām ar augstu radona koncentrāciju, kā arī mazām konferenču telpām bez ventilācijas.

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